Alpha Accounts provides online Accounting services for SME businesses Australia wide.

Asset Deductions

Financial Statements & Income Tax Returns

Business Consulting
Business Accounting & Taxation Services
Financial Statements
Preparation of Financial Statements.
Record current year assets in Depreciation Schedules & Asset Pools.
Calculate and record current year depreciation.
Claim Immediate deductions on allowable assets.
Account for new and existing Hire Purchase assets.
Perform end of year GST reconciliation.
Account for end of year movements in Stock.
Record Shareholder dividends and/or Directors fees.
Record Partnership or Trust Distributions.
Prepare Dividend minutes.
Prepare Trust Distribution minutes.
Taxation Compliance
Preparation & lodgement of Company, Partnership & Trust Income Tax Returns.
Preparation & lodgement of business related individual Income Tax Returns.
Preparation & lodgement of Business Activity Statement or Instalment Activity Statement
Business Consulting Services
General taxation advice and assistance.
End of year Tax Planning.
Advice on business structures & assistance in the setup of new entities.
Act as your registered ASIC agent & update details as required.
Contact us to see how our accounting expertise and personalised services can help your business.